Hello Everyone!

It is officially fall (sweater weather time and pumpkin spice everything are here) and that means NaNoWriMo is just around the corner. Eek! If you are participating, be sure to add me as a writing buddy (@writerahart). I would love to know what your writing goals are. I’m still trying to determine mine for November (thank you dissertation writing.)

Also, if you are a true planner (like myself), let me know if you would like to participate in WordsOnThePageAThon. An all day writeathon I am organizing for November 4th! I will be posting information over on @WordsOnThePage on Twitter every so often, so if you would like to tweet about writing with me, you can!

Thank you for reading + Have a great writing day!




  1. I’m excited for WordsOnThePageAThon! I wasn’t able to do it the last time but this time I am Ready. I added you on NaNoWriMo! I’m taffypearls. 🙂

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